A Christian Response to ISIS

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CCR _ Jeremy Courtney.jpg

A Christian Response to ISIS


Length: 1:35:30

Jeremy Courtney helps frame a "love first, ask questions later" ethos by re-conceptualizing what it means to be a peacemaker in a new era of international conflict. 

This lecture took place in the Tribeca neighborhood of New York City on July 13, 2015. 

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Jeremy Courtney (@JCourt) is founder and executive director of the Preemptive Love Coalition (PLC) — an international development organization that has provided over 1,000 lifesaving heart surgeries to children and training to local doctors and nurses in an effort unmake violence and remake the world in war-torn countries.  PLC has helped over 7,000 people since ISIS sprung onto the world stage in June 2014. He is the author of  Preemptive Love: Pursuing Peace One Heart at a Time, a firsthand account of his team’s quest to mend hearts and save lives in Iraq,the world’s most notorious war-torn country.